Friday, October 5, 2012

Thing #5 - Web 2.0

Web/school/teacher 2.0 is exactly where education needs to be. I am a non-traditional student,but I feel like I am pretty up to date on technology and the need for it. I see my 3 year old using the iPad and iPhone like there is nothing to it. Using social networking is the norm for the majority of people. I have two grandparents that are on Facebook and use it often. We have almost anything a computer has on our phones. My husband and I were youth pastors for several years and we learned quickly that social media is a must for the younger generations. Education has to be updated. Our students are very visual! They almost expect a show with a power point. Why can't education become entertainment?

The problem with school 2.0 is that all schools do not have the technology we are taught with in college. My mother is a school teacher and was all excited when she received a grant she worked for to get a smart board, one of the very few in the county. In the future, schools need the technological equipment for all students to have access. We do have to remember that in this internet based world we live in, there are still some students that will not have access to it outside of school. Older teachers and those that may not be as "up to date" need to exert themselves and become 2.0 teachers. Do you agree?

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