Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thing #6 Music to the ears -Pandora

Pandora was started in the year 2000. The company was not launched on the web until 2005 and now it's everywhere. I was a junior in high school in 2000 and I loved music, but did not hear of Pandora until just a couple of years ago. Although I have Pandora on my phone and laptop, I have never really researched the site to see what all Pandora offers. In the past I have found a black gospel channel to listen too and used the nature and toddler channels for my daughter. There are options to create your own radio station by choosing your favorite artist or genre of music. Once the station is created, the user has the option to like or dislike a song that comes on. If a song is disliked, it is then taken off the station. However, if a song is liked Pandora will find other artist and music that is much like the song that was liked. Users are exposed to a more broad array of music and artist. A function that I will be searching for on my phone is repeat. The CNet site said this option is available. Sometimes I am in a moment with a song that comes on and I would rather listen to it again, but I didn't know it was possible. Check out Pandora.com if you haven't used them before. I promise, if you love music, you will be satisfied!

Pandora was listed as the Webware 100 winner on: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13546_109-10236913-29.html?tag=mncol

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